
Tradamis Policy on Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The objects of Tradamis mean that most of its work will involve children or young people or, on occasion, vulnerable adults. Tradamis recognises the importance of protecting from harm such individuals and those who work with them. To this end the policy of Tradamis is as follows:-

All practitioners to be employed by Tradamis in any role which will involve contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults must first sign declaration form A

Tradamis will make every effort to employ in such roles only practitioners who have obtained a CRB Enhanced Disclosure. Tradamis recognises that this may on occasion prove impracticable (for example where the only available suitably-qualified specialist in a particular area of dance or music has not yet obtained a CRB Disclosure). In such cases Tradamis will ensure that a practitioner without CRB Disclosure always works alongside a practitioner who has obtained a CRB Disclosure.

It shall be a condition of any contract between Tradamis and a “hiring organisation” (e.g. school, college, Arts Trust) that it is the responsibility of the hiring organisation to provide adequate and safe supervision of the children/young people/vulnerable adults with whom Tradamis is working and that no Tradamis practitioner should ever be left in sole charge of any children/young people/vulnerable adults.

For a printable PDF version of the Declaration Form click here.

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